Janks Archive: Riga
January 8, 2016 / 8pm-12am
Kaņepes Kultūras centra, Riga, Latvia
“Janks Archive” ir mākslas projekts – aizskarošā humora kolekcija no visas pasaules. Aizskarošie joki ir sena mutiska tradīcija, taču katrā kultūrā atšķiras tas, kā cilvēki viens otru aizskar, un kas tiek uztverts kā slikts vai patiesi aizskarošs. Lai arī sākotnēji aizskarošie joki var šķist negatīvi, tomēr šāda veida mutvārdu kultūra tiek izmantota dažādiem mērķiem – ne tikai, lai parādītu savu varu pār citiem, bet arī stiprinātu draudzību un šajā gadījumā – radītu smieklus.
Projekts “Janks archive” ceļo pa pasauli un vāc dažādu kultūru aizskarošā humora piemērus, tos filmējot un mēģinot izprast to izcelsmi. Ar plašāku informāciju par projektu jūs varat iepazīties šeit www.janksarchive.org vai nākt ciemos 8. janvārī, lai aplūkotu jau izveidoto video kolekciju un palīdzētu to papildināt ar saviem aizskarošajiem jokiem.
Ieeja mājā 1 EUR no 20:00
JANKS ARCHIVE (a project by NYC-based artists Ben Kinsley, Jessica Langley, and Jerstin Crosby) is an ongoing investigation and collection of insult humor from around the world. Since 2012 they have taken this project to cities such as Philadelphia, Mexico City, Berlin, and Belfast. In each place they visit, they talk to residents and learn about local versions of these types of insulting jokes. They record people telling their jokes, which are put into a worldwide video archive, as well as represented in art installations, publications, and screenings.
Insults are an ancient oral tradition embedded within the collective consciousness of a culture or region with inherent ties to human social evolution. How people insult one another and what is perceived to be “bad” or “unattractive” differs from place to place, as does the word used to describe these jokes (the term “janks,” for instance, is what put-down jokes are called in Alabama). While the intention appears, at first, to be cruel and negative, “janks” are in fact an integral aspect of human interaction, used as much to establish dominance as to strengthen camaraderie.
Ben and Jessica will be at KKC on January 8th to present their video archive in the cinema and to collect Latvian “janks.” Come prepared to tell them your best/worst insulting jokes!
Entrance in the house 1 eur, from 20:00