Tag Archives: brains


Lithuanian: Tavo smegenys – tokio dydžio, kad jeigu įdėtume jas į graikišką riešutą, mes girdėtume nieko
English: your brain is so small that if we put it in a walnut and shake it, we hear nothing
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: common Lithuanian-style joke


Lithuanian: kasyk riešutus
English: scratch your nuts
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: common in Lithuania to invent comments like this, with puns, to call people stupid – meaning your are thinking with your nuts.


Lithuanian: Krapštyk varškę
English: scratch (your) curd
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: common in Lithuania to invent comments like this, with puns (kurd = brains), to call people stupid