Lithuanian: Tavo smegenys – tokio dydžio, kad jeigu įdėtume jas į graikišką riešutą, mes girdėtume nieko
English: your brain is so small that if we put it in a walnut and shake it, we hear nothing
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: common Lithuanian-style joke
Tag Archives: brains
Lithuanian: kasyk riešutus
English: scratch your nuts
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: common in Lithuania to invent comments like this, with puns, to call people stupid – meaning your are thinking with your nuts.
Lithuanian: Krapštyk varškę
English: scratch (your) curd
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: common in Lithuania to invent comments like this, with puns (kurd = brains), to call people stupid
Finnish: Onko sinulla aivot narikassa?
English: Did you check your brains with your jacket?
collected: Vaasa, Finland (12-20-2015)
origin: common Finnish expression used when someone has done something really stupid or funny
“When the Lord was giving out brains, you thought he said rain and went and found shelter”
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: South Eastern Alabama