Finnish: Senkin homeinen tiskirätti
English: you moldy dish cloth
collected: Vaasa, Finland (01-23-2016)
origin: from a scene in the Moomin animated TV series (circa early 1990s) in which the Moomins have to defeat a killer plant by insulting it over and over again.
Category Archives: Vaasa Janks
Finnish: Älynlahjasi ovat täysin mitättömät
English: your intelligence is completely insignificant
collected: Vaasa, Finland (01-23-2016)
origin: from a scene in the Moomin animated TV series (circa early 1990s) in which the Moomins have to defeat a killer plant by insulting it over and over again.
Finnish: Sinun hartiat ovat kuin ladonovet, ei niin leveät, mutta niin lahot
English: Your shoulders are like barn doors. Not as wide, but as rotten
collected: Vaasa, Finland (01-23-2016)
origin: a common Finnish joke
Finnish: Savolaismiehethän on tunnetusti niin pieniä että heidän päässä haisee jalkahiki
English: The men from Savo are so short that their heads smell like foot sweat
collected: Vaasa, Finland (01-23-2016)
origin: from Savo, a region in eastern Finland where people are known to be short. He heard it used many times in Savo, during the 10 year period he was living there.
Finnish: Tyhmä kuin puusta pudonnut
English: Dumb as someone who fell out of a tree
collected: Vaasa, Finland (01-23-2016)
origin: common way of calling someone stupid – probably refers to the initial state of confusion after someone hits their head.
Finnish: Sen naama on kuin petolinnun perse
English: his face is like the ass of a bird of prey
collected: Vaasa, Finland (01-23-2016)
origin: common insulting phase in Finnish – a way of calling someone ugly
Finnish: Sun naamas oh ihan norsunvitulla
English: your face is like an Elephant’s cunt
collected: Vaasa, Finland (01-23-2016)
origin: common insult in Finland to describe someone who looks really angry. He has used it before to describe customers who come into his workplace looking pissed off
Finnish: Olet hullu kuin pullosta tullut
English: You’re as crazy as one who came out of the bottle
collected: Vaasa, Finland (12-22-2015)
origin: a really old Finnish saying, heard it school in Ostrobothnia.
Finnish: Sinun naamasi on niinkuin petolinnun perse
English: Your face is like the ass of a bird of prey
collected: Vaasa, Finland (12-22-2015)
origin: common Finnish expression. Might have heard it from her Grandmother.
Finnish: Sinun äitisi on niin läski että kuin hän menee rannalle Greenpeace yrittää työntää hänet takaisin merelle
English: Your mama’s so fat, when she goes to the beach, Greenpeace tries to push her back to the sea.
collected: Vaasa, Finland (12-22-2015)
origin: not from Finland. Perhaps he saw it on the internet.