Category Archives: Kaunas Janks

Janks collected in Kaunas, Lithuania on January 10, 2016


Lithuanian: užsipisk grabais [“grabais” – old dialect/slang term ]
English: go fuck yourself with caskets
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: common Lithuanian insult, originating in Soviet times. comes from a jail dictionary. Heard it said in Kaunas. meaning go fuck yourself


Lithuanian: tu kaip šūdas, pajudinai ir pasmirdo
English: you are like shit. when someone moves you, it stinks.
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: she heard her grandmother say this to her mother


Lithuanian: jeigu dar nervuosi, nepakviesiu į laidotuves
English: if you annoy me further, i won’t invite you to my funeral
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: she heard her grandmother say this


Lithuanian: Jis nėjo į armiją, todėl jo žmona gali daužyti jį su keptuvę per galvą
English: He didn’t go to the army, so that’s why his wife can beat his head with a pan
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: suburbs of Kaunas


Lithuanian: Jis toks durnas, kad turbūt į jį trenkė žaibas arba iškrito iš tv bokšto
English: He’s so stupid, that probably he was hit by a lightning or fell from the TV tower
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: suburbs of Kaunas