Category Archives: Queens Janks

Janks collected in Queens, NYC surrounding the 2016 Queens International exhibit at the Queens Museum


English: You talk like you have a potato in your mouth.
collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: something you say to or about someone who is acting posh or speaking fancifully. Referencing an accent or affect of speech common among the upper class in Mexico.


English: You’re speaking like you have a potato in your mouth.
collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: a common insult from Columbia that is used when someone is mumbling, or speaking in a way you can’t understand.


Russian: Ты спереди пионерка, сзади пенсионерка
English: You are a Pioneer from the front, a retiree from the back
collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: She grew up in Shymkent, Kazakhstan when it was part of the former Soviet Union. At this time, there was an organization for children operated by a communist party called “Pioneers.” Pioneer uniforms consisted of white shirts and red ties. She used to be fat as a child, and one day her skinny, mean cousin saw her wearing her Pioneer uniform and said this to her.


English: You’re so ugly, so ugly that when the doctor saw you he said if it doesn’t move, it’s a tumor.
collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: he heard it on a television show in the Dominican Republic


English: The more you bend over, the more others can see your ass
collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: a common expression from Argentina, said to someone who is being too submissive


English: You are so ugly, so ugly that your mom, instead of breastfeeding you, gave you the shoulder.
collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: an old joke he remembers saying with his friends in Ecuador


collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: an old joke he remembers saying with his friends in Ecuador


English: I had a friend who was so ugly, so ugly, when he was born his mother threw him away and kept the placenta.
collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: an old joke he remembers saying with his friends in Ecuador