Category Archives: Cleveland Janks

Janks collected during an impromptu collection event during the Unruly Engagements Conference at the Cleveland Institute of Art, November 7, 2014.

*We hope to return to Cleveland to do a city-wide collection in the future.


Spanish: “huevón”
English: Literally “big egg” but slang for “really big testicles” that are so big they prevent you from moving.
collected: Cleveland, Ohio – Cleveland Institute of Art (11-7-14)
origin: a common saying in El Salvador, used when someone is being lazy or slow.


“You’re so full of it your eyes are brown”
collected: Cleveland, Ohio – Cleveland Institute of Art (11-7-14)
origin: heard it from her cousins when growing up in suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio


“You have so many gaps in your teeth that it looks like your tongue is behind bars in jail”
collected: Cleveland, Ohio – Cleveland Institute of Art (11-7-14)
origin: growing up in Philly in the 90s/early 2000s. They called it “coming at your neck” and it would often end in physical fights