Tag Archives: ugly


English: The head on you and the price of turnips.
Collected: Askeaton, Co. Limerick, Ireland (12-20-2018)
Origin: Common Irish slagging used to call someone ugly. It means you’re ugly and turnips are expensive.


Dutch: Ook al draagt een aap een gouden ring, het is en blijft een lelijk ding.
English: Even if a monkey would wear a golden ring, it would still remain an ugly thing
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Dutch expression that you learn in elementary school as part of Dutch sayings and proverbs


Dutch: Meisje je bent zo lelijk als je nacht, je tanden zijn zo geel als een kanarievacht.
English: Girl, you are as ugly as the night, but your teeth are as yellow as a canary.
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Heard in a hit Dutch song by DJ Madman from early 90s. So, when he was 14, he would say it to girls he liked, in a teasing way.


English: You’re so ugly, so ugly that when the doctor saw you he said if it doesn’t move, it’s a tumor.
collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: he heard it on a television show in the Dominican Republic


English: You are so ugly, so ugly that your mom, instead of breastfeeding you, gave you the shoulder.
collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: an old joke he remembers saying with his friends in Ecuador


collected: Flushing Meadows – Corona Park, Queens (6-4-2016)
origin: an old joke he remembers saying with his friends in Ecuador