Dutch: Meisje je bent zo lelijk als je nacht, je tanden zijn zo geel als een kanarievacht.
English: Girl, you are as ugly as the night, but your teeth are as yellow as a canary.
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Heard in a hit Dutch song by DJ Madman from early 90s. So, when he was 14, he would say it to girls he liked, in a teasing way.
Tag Archives: yellow
English: Do you eat yellow Crayolas? Because your teeth are mad yellow.
collected: Corona Plaza, Queens (04-30-2016)
origin: heard this joke in Middle School in Roselle, New Jersey circa 2009.
Latvian: Tavi zobi ir kā saule – dzelteni.
English: your teeth are like the sun. Yellow.
collected: Riga, Latvia (08-01-2016)
origin: She made it up based on the structure of traditional Latvian pickup lines / jokes
“Your mama’s so fat, when she wears yellow, people yell ‘Taxi’”
collected: Pittsburgh, Strip District (9-20-14)
origin: heard it in Elementary School in Minnesota (circa 80s/90s)
“He’s so black and his teeth are so yellow, he looks like a Pittsburgh Steelers helmet”
collected: Pittsburgh, East Liberty neighborhood (9-18-14)
origin: from Maryland – made it up while “Jonin’” with a friend from Pittsburgh
Your mamma’s so fat when she goes outside wearing a yellow dress, people say, ‘Damn! look at that fat bitch in the yellow dress!’”
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: 6th or 7th grade (mid nineties). Madison, WI
“Your teeth are so yellow, you spit butter.”
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: Insult Comedy TV, Don Rickles, Yo! MTv Raps’ “Snaps”