English: It’s hard to choose the most beautiful monkey.
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: A common saying in Ethiopia. Used when faced with all bad choices. Heard it from her father.
Category Archives: Amsterdam Janks
English: Once I die, I don’t care if the grass ever grows again, said the donkey.
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: A common saying in Ethiopia. Used when someone is acting short-sighted. Heard it from her father.
Dutch: Doe normaal, dan doe je al gek genoeg
English: Just act normal, you’re already crazy enough as is.
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: A particularly Calvinist Dutch expression that you learn in elementary school as part of Dutch sayings and proverbs.
Dutch: Als je voor een dubbeltje geboren bent, word je nooit een kwartje.
English: If you are born a dime, you’ll never be a quarter
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Dutch expression that you learn in elementary school as part of Dutch sayings and proverbs
Dutch: Ook al draagt een aap een gouden ring, het is en blijft een lelijk ding.
English: Even if a monkey would wear a golden ring, it would still remain an ugly thing
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Dutch expression that you learn in elementary school as part of Dutch sayings and proverbs
English: You’ve got more excuses than Carter’s got little liver pills.
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Her dad used to say this a lot when she was growing up in Maryland, outside of Washington, DC.
English: You’re as useless as tits on a snake
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Heard in Pittsburgh, PA from a Canadian.
English: Your daddy is so poor, that when I went to your house and asked what is for dinner, he put his foot on the table and said, “Corn.”
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Heard it from a friend in 4th grade in Teaneck, New Jersey
German: Hodenkobold
English: Testicle Goblin and/or Nut Gnome
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Heard it from his best friend in high school in Frankfurt, Germany
German: Pimmel geburt
English: Birthed from a penis
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Heard it from his best friend in high school in Frankfurt, Germany.