Dutch: Hey bolle! Heb je een scheet gelaten of stink je altijd zo?
English: Hey, fatty, did you just fart, or do you always smell this bad?
Collected: Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-16-2018)
Origin: Heard it when he was a teenager in middle school in eastern Netherlands
Tag Archives: odor
English: You smell so bad you could gag a maggot on a gut wagon.
collected: Chapel Hill, NC (9-2-2018)
origin: Something her mother used to say to her all the time when she was little, and smelled bad. From East Tennessee.
Finnish: Senkin homeinen tiskirätti
English: you moldy dish cloth
collected: Vaasa, Finland (01-23-2016)
origin: from a scene in the Moomin animated TV series (circa early 1990s) in which the Moomins have to defeat a killer plant by insulting it over and over again.
“You think your shit don’t stink, but your farts give you away”
collected: Pittsburgh, Bloomfield neighborhood (9-18-14)
origin: from her father, of German heritage, who lived in the Bloomfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh
“Your mom stinks so bad that her boyfriend was walking past the fish market, and thought he was home.”
collected: Pittsburgh, PA, Northside neighborhood (9-17-14)
origin: made it up on the spot
“Your breath smells so bad, it’s got its own theme song”
collected: Pittsburgh, PA, Northside neighborhood (9-17-14)
origin: made it up on the spot
“Your nose is so long, and your dick is so big that you can smell it when you get an erection”
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: Derived from Epigrams from the Roman Poet Martial
“You smell like bong water”
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: boyscout camp, Wyncote, PA (from an exchange scout from GA)