English translation: “Your mother is so fat her blood type is Nutella”
collected: Berlin, Germany (12-19-14)
origin: heard it in school in Berlin around 2007 when he was 15-16 years old
Tag Archives: blood
“Your mother’s so fat, her blood type’s Ragu”
collected: Pittsburgh, PA, Northside neighborhood (9-17-14)
origin: heard it Rippin’ with friends in Pittsburgh
“You’re so stupid, you need to study for your blood test”
collected: Belfast, Northern Ireland (9-6-13)
origin: local tv advertisement for city bus
“Your mama’s so fat, she cuts herself and gravy pours out.”
collected: Belfast, Northern Ireland (9-6-13)
origin: from her 8 year old son, Sacred Heart Primary School in North Belfast
“Your mama’s so fat, her blood type is Gravy”
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: 1990s Philadelphia, PA
“Your momma’s so fat, she bleeds Prego”
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: Philadelphia/Germantown