English translation: “Your mother is so fat when she has sex with your father it’s like throwing a sausage down a big hole.”
collected: Berlin, Germany (12-19-14)
origin: heard it in school in Berlin around 2007 when he was 15-16 years old
Tag Archives: sexual intercourse
“You’re about as useful as a tissue paper condom”
collected: Belfast, Northern Ireland (9-6-13)
origin: heard it somewhere in Whales
Spanish: Tu boca arriba, yo boca abajo, te pongo las bolas y te lo trabajo. Que eres? El metate
English: You are facing up, I am facing down, I put some balls on and work on you. What are you? The metate (grinding stone)
collected: Mexico City, Mexico (3-14-13)
origin: typical Albur from Mexico
“She is so skinny, that it’s like fucking a bag of paper clips”
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: mid-late 1990s Oakton High School, Oakton, VA
Your mamma’s so fat I had to slap her thigh and ride the wave in
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: Santa Barbara, California
“Your mama’s so fat, I had to roll her in flour to find the wet spot”
collected: Philadelphia, PA (12-7-12)
origin: Santa Barbara, California