English: your father’s weiner is smaller than yours
collected: Kaunas, Lithuania (01-10-2016)
origin: in Portuguese. Overheard an exchange between a couple. The man said: you cannot say one thing to me that would make be both happy and sad. She responded: your father’s weiner is smaller than yours.
Tag Archives: father
Swedish: Din pappa gjorde det då han lagade dig.
English: Your father did that when he made you
collected: Vaasa, Finland (12-21-2015)
origin: common expression in Swedish, from north of Finland
Latvian: Labāk tavs tēvs būtu uz sienas pabeidzis nekā tevi taisījis.
English: It would have been better that your father would have finished on the wall instead of making you
collected: Riga, Latvia (08-01-2016)
origin: He heard from his friend, he thinks.
Latvian: Man ir māsa. Un mamma teica, ka viena no mums ir atsitusies tēvā, bet otra pret izlietni.
English: I have a sister. My father said one is similar to him, the other was hit by a sink.
collected: Riga, Latvia (08-01-2016)
origin: Traditional/classic Latvian joke. Play on words – double meaning of the word for “similar”
English translation: “Your mother is so fat when she has sex with your father it’s like throwing a sausage down a big hole.”
collected: Berlin, Germany (12-19-14)
origin: heard it in school in Berlin around 2007 when he was 15-16 years old